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Choose winter skycolor acrylic uv printer ink
Winter is a dry and cold season, especially in a heated or air-conditioned room,  which will affect the normal use of skycolor acrylic uv printer and cause ink flying. Here, skycolor will give you a brief introduction on how to choose ink to make skycolor acrylic uv printer work normally in winter.
Choose Winter Skycolor Acrylic UV Printer ink
1.In terms of ink purchase, choose the ink suitable for winter use. Another method is to heat up the ink tank to increase the temperature of the ink. Although this method uses a lot of electricity, it is much safer than adding a light bulb to the bottom of the ink cartridge. The high viscosity of the ink will damage the piezoelectric ceramics inside skycolor acrylic uv printer head and cause the exhaustion of the print head, such as vertical lines on the painted surface!

2. We can control the activity of the ink by controlling the temperature of the ink, that is, the ink cartridge heating method, which is to add a temperature control device to the secondary ink cartridge. Some people simply add a light bulb to the bottom of the ink cartridge, and the effect is also good.

3.Maintain the print head of skycolor acrylic uv printer frequently. The ink solvent is a volatile liquid. When the air is dry, the volatilization speed will increase. The ink on the surface of skycolor acrylic uv printer head will dry up quickly, causing the nozzle to block. During the printing process, it will appear as flying ink and frequent nozzle missing and ink jet skew phenomenon occurs. If you don't pay attention to the printer head maintenance, it may damage the head.

If skycolor acrylic uv printer ink is stored in a low temperature environment, its viscosity will increase a lot, and at the same time, the mobility will decrease a lot. Temperature can increase the ink mobility rapidly but the ink viscosity will not decrease rapidly due to the increase temperature. The product characteristics of the winter ink are mainly manifested in the mobility (because the mobility of the ink will be reduced a lot in a low temperature environment). To test the mobility of the ink, there is a very simple method, take a smooth surface of the iron sheet dipped a little ink is then tilted at a certain angle and you can observe the movement speed of the ink on the iron sheet.
Skycolor Acrylic UV Printer
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