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Skycolor acrulic uv printer printing failure
In the process of using skycolor acrulic uv printer, have you encountered problems such as no response when clicking the print button, color cast of the output image, and blurry picture? If you have encountered it, then quickly read this article and learn how to clear the above faults!
Skycolor Acrulic UV Printer Printing Failure
1. There is no response when you click the "Maintop-Print" button. Many people think that the problem of skycolor acrulic uv printer is caused by your printing software. If this phenomenon occurs, you should solve it like this:

①There are too many printing tasks, which makes the cache unable to accept new tasks, so there is no response when clicking print. The best solution is to restart the computer or clear the buffer;

②The port setting is wrong, the interface does not correspond, so there is no response when clicking print. The best solution: set the port correctly.

2. The color cast failure means that the printed color of skycolor acrulic uv printer is very different from the color in the computer. The main reason for this phenomenon is improper software settings or low printer driver version, as well as correction problems and screen correction. The display is consistent with the actual printing effect. Different printing software has different calibration methods, you can open the printer options to set.

3. If skycolor acrulic uv printer screen is blurry,that is usually because the print head prints too much, and it only needs to be cleaned with cleaning fluid. If the clarity is still not high, it may be due to the deviation of the nozzle position during cleaning, just adjust the calibration position. That way the printed picture will be clear!

In the process of using printing machine, users of skycolor acrulic uv printer can consult if they encounter any unsolvable printing problems.
Skycolor Acrulic UV Printer
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