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Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer advantages
With the gradual improvement of the market, Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer continue to introduce new ones.Customers are no longer satisfied with the immutable, well-regulated printing mode, followed by the customization of personalized products.The advantages of Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer are becoming more and more obvious.
Skycolor Epson4720 Head UV Printer
1. Rich colors, clear and vivid images
Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer is rich in colors, whether it is full-color patterns or gradient color printing is easy. Greatly expand the design space of product and upgrade product grade. Skycolor epson4720 head UV printing has fine patterns, rich and clear layers, and high artistic quality.
Skycolor Epson4720 Head UV Printing Machine
2. Green environmental protection, reduce pollution
Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer is controlled by a computer, inkjetting on demand, no waste, no waste water pollution, and no noise during the printing process. A pollution-free green production process is realized.
The ink of the UV printer is environmentally friendly and has no volatile VOC components, so there is no need to worry about harm to the human body.
Skycolor Epson4720 Head UV Printing Machine advantages
3. Fast response speed, shorten the working cycle
In the past, it took several days or even dozens of days for a product from design, proofing to delivery, but finished product can be obtained within 1~2 hours by applying Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer, and the production batch is not restricted, and it is truly small batch, multi-variety, and high-efficiency production process. Strong flexibility, customers can print out in a short time after choosing the plan.
Epson4720 Head UV Printer
4. Unrestricted color
There is no need to make screens, which saves a lot of time; pattern design and changes can be carried out on the computer screen, and color matching can be performed with a mouse; time and materials for printing are reduced; labor costs are reduced.
Skycolor Printing Machine advantages
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