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Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer failure
There will be some problems during use of Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer. We can deal with and solve these minor faults by ourselves, which can effectively avoid part of maintenance costs.
Skycolor Epson4720 Head UV Printer Failure
1. Streaks appear in picture printed by Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer.

This kind of streaks or wire drawing may be caused by many reasons. We need to investigate one by one to determine specific cause.

①Check printed materials. Different materials can cause streaks or wire drawing due to different ways of ink absorption.
②Clean ink cartridge of Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer. Press "Cleaning" button to perform cleaning process more than twice to clear blockage in ink cartridge.
③Replace ink cartridge. If cleaning does not solve problem, try using other ink cartridges.
④Check if epson4720 head is blocked. After cleaning epson4720 head completely, soak it for 1~2 days. If this condition still occurs, it proves that epson4720 head is blocked and needs to be replaced with a new uv printer epson4720 head.

2.color in printed picture is misplaced

In this case, check the correct design and layout of the original graphics. If the color is separated from image, it will also be separated from final printout.

Another is to check whether mold layout is correct. When mass production is carried out,mold is needed to assist in placement and fixation, and space occupied by mold needs to be subtracted from layout of printed pattern.

3.Printing effect is not clear

This kind of problem is generally more common, and there are generally three solutions to this kind of problem.

①Whether pattern itself is a high-definition picture, if quality of pattern itself is not high, printing effect will inevitably be blurred.
②Clean printer head. If pattern itself is a high-definition picture, then use software to clean printer head, which can effectively improve printing effect.
③If none of above methods work, try to reinstall print driver software of Skycolor epson4720 head UV printer.
Skycolor Epson4720 Head UV Printer
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