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Skycolor uv flatbed printer problem
There will be various problems during use of skycolor uv flatbed printer, but there are many problems because users don’t understand and don’t know solution. Let’s share common problems about skycolor uv flatbed printers, as well as the causes and treatment methods.

1. Power-on reset abnormal
Phenomenon: Skycolor uv flatbed printer head rises after power-on reset, the Y axis moves back and forth but cannot move left and right;
Solution: ①Check whether X driver is working normally; ②Check whether fiber optic cable of skycolor uv flatbed printer head is in poor contact.

2. Power-on reset abnormal
Phenomenon: After power-on reset, Y axis only rises and does not move.
Solution: ①Check whether emergency switch on skycolor uv flatbed printer panel is turned off; ②Check whether anti-collision switches on both sides of skycolor uv flatbed printer are turned off; ③Check whether the Y drive is working normally; ④Check whether fiber optic cable of skycolor uv flatbed printer head is broken and there is no signal.

3. Water tank works abnormally
Phenomenon: After opening skycolor uv flatbed printer’s water tank, water tank emits a loud buzzing sound.
Cause: ①It is not filled with water. Solution: turn off the power, fill with water, and restart the power;
②Water circulation is abnormal, and water flow meter cannot detect the return water. Solution: Check whether water pipe is folded or whether the flow meter is normal;
③Water temperature is too high. Solution: Stop using it immediately, check the cooling device and set cooling temperature.

4. Skycolor uv flatbed printer’s uv light is not on
Cause: ①In skycolor uv flatbed printer’s software,uv light control was accidentally changed to all off. Solution: Set uv light control correctly in software;
②Signal wire is in poor contact or broken. Solution: re-plug the signal line or replace with a new signal line;
③Water temperature is too high; solution: stop using it immediately, check whether water pipe is folded or blocked, restart it after treatment, and set the cooling temperature;
④Water tank is malfunctioning; solution: overhaul the water tank.

5. Printed pictures have horizontal lines
Cause: ①Skycolor uv flatbed printer head is in poor condition. Solution: Printhead is blocked or oblique spray, just clean printhead;
②Step value is not adjusted. Solution: In the printing software settings,skycolor uv flatbed printer is set to turn on maintenance mark to correct the step.

6. Large color deviation
Cause: ①Picture format is wrong. Solution: Set picture mode to CMYK mode and change picture to TIFF.
②Skycolor uv flatbed printer head is blocked. Solution: Print a test strip and clean printer head if it is blocked;
③Software setting is wrong. Solution: reset software parameters according to the standard.

7. Edge of picture is blurred and ink is flying
Cause: ①Picture pixel is low. Solution: Picture DPI300 or above, especially printing 4PT small fonts, need to increase DPI to 1200;
②Distance between skycolor uv flatbed printer head and printed material is too far. Solution: Keep printed material close to print head and keep a distance of about 2 mm.
③The material or skycolor uv flatbed printer has static electricity. Solution: connect skycolor uv flatbed printer shell to the ground wire and wipe the surface of material with alcohol to eliminate static electricity. Use an electrostatic processor to eliminate surface static electricity.

8. There are small ink dots on printed picture
Cause: ①Ink precipitation or ink break. Solution: Check the status of skycolor uv flatbed printer head, whether ink fluency is deteriorated, and check whether ink path is leaking.
②The material or printer is static. Solution: Ground skycolor uv flatbed printer shell, wipe the surface of material with alcohol to eliminate static electricity.

9. There is ghosting in horizontal printing
Cause: ①Encoder strip is dirty. Solution: Clean encoder strip.
②Encoder sensor is damaged. Solution: Replace with a new encoder sensor.
③Poor contact or failure of fiber optic cable of skycolor uv flatbed printer head. Solution: Replace fiber optic cable of printhead.

10. Printing dripping or nozzle missing
Ink dripping phenomenon: A certain nozzle drips ink during printing.
Solution: ①Check whether negative pressure is too low; ②Check whether there is air leakage in skycolor uv flatbed printer ink circuit.

Nozzle missing phenomenon: A certain color often nozzle missing during printing.
Solution: ①Check whether negative pressure is too high; ②Check whether ink path leaks; ③Whether skycolor uv flatbed printer head has not been cleaned for a long time, if so, clean printhead.
Skycolor UV Flatbed Printer
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