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Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head is blocked
For users of Skycolor uv roll to roll printer, many of them may encounter printer head clogging, which will make Skycolor uv roll to roll printer's work impossible. This also repeatedly emphasizes need for routine maintenance. So what are the reasons for printer head blockage?
 Skycolor UV Roll To Roll Printer Head Block
1.Influence of Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head voltage,appropriate voltage is very important,voltage is too low will affect effect of printing, too high will cause blockage.

2. Rapid change of temperature and humidity will also damage Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head and ink.
3. Influence of working habits on Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head, for example, there should be no dirt and hard objects on printer head of the ink pump to avoid scratching print head during cleaning.
4. Effect of static electricity on Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head is one of the reasons why Skycolor uv roll to roll printer requires a grounding wire.
5.Effect of cleaning method on Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head-it is recommended to use a lint-free cotton cloth or a better toilet paper, not to wipe it back and forth, but gently damp it with a cotton cloth or paper towel.

6. Ink quality is not good enough, causing Skycolor uv roll to roll printer head to block up. If ink viscosity is too high, it will cause ink to stick in ink delivery tube, resulting in insufficient ink supply and insufficient ink ejection, especially in winter.If ink viscosity is too low, and ink is too thin, ink jet speed will be fast, and ink will be reflected back to printer head when it is sprayed on cloth, causing ink to accumulate on printer head and causing block.
Skycolor UV Roll To Roll Printer
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