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Smooth ink absorber pipeline can improve printing quality
Unobstructed ink absorber pipeline can improve the quality of inkjet printing. We all know that the basic components of skycolor large format uv flatbed printer are assembled from multiple devices, but in the face of so many devices, which method should we take to make ink absorber more convenient?

The inkjet pipe of the print head of skycolor large format uv flatbed printer must be kept unobstructed, and its main function is suitable for the air discharge between the nozzle and the ink pipe. It is also one of the necessary equipment for skycolor large format uv flatbed printer. Its basic structure is very simple. But you need to pay attention to skills and methods when using it, otherwise it will cause damage to the printer nozzle and affect the overall effect of uv printing.

1.Don't unplug the syringe immediately after the suction of the syringe is lost. This will cause the pressure in the pipeline to be unbalanced, causing the nozzle to break ink. When there is no pumping force, remember to put the syringe for more than 10 seconds before removing it, so that the pressure of the nozzle line is balanced to reduce nozzle missing.

2.Do not let go when using the ink absorber to absorb ink. If the ink in the nozzle is different from that in the ink absorber, it is easy to cause color mixing.
Skcolor Large Format UV Flatbed Printer
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