The rise of UV printing set off a new round of green printing revolution. In particular, the indoor requirements of 1 meter to 30 meters in short distance hd large UV screen, with LED light source, vivid color, strong visual impact. And in the subway can be seen everywhere is the UV print shock picture.
As a modern and special transportation advertisement carrier, subway has the characteristics of both ordinary outdoor transportation media and indoor POP and light box media, and its advantages are very obvious. All kinds of advertisements set up in the subway area are collectively referred to as subway advertisements. Its form has 12 light boxes, four channel posters, special light boxes, escalators, posters in the car, tunnel interval LED. It is characterized by the concentration of people, high degree of attention, can increase product awareness. It can be demonstrated through the combination of online and offline media.
1.Stable audience. Demographic characteristics of subway passengers: younger age, higher education, middle income, main occupation is company staff, students (mainly college students) and managers. Subway passenger group is relatively stable, that is to say, subway advertising has a relatively stable audience.
2, the corridor, platform and car advertising effect is different; The picture, the title attracts attention easily. The subway advertisement attention degree is quite high, even 71.2% passengers can notice the subway advertisement change. The unique, novel and different picture seems to attract the attention and interest of the subway advertisement.
3. Two characteristics of subway advertising products: they are related to fashion and daily life. As the main audiences of subway advertisements tend to be young and highly educated, they pay much attention to the commodities (services) and entertainment information related to fashion. At the same time, we also pay attention to the commodity information related to daily life. The public welfare advertisement has been paid much attention by many subway passengers.
The advertisement with uv-printed picture in the subway attracts the eyeballs of viewers, and has more irresistible attraction compared with other media. It will become an important media and is bound to prevail.